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  Y O U R H E A L T H spacerO U R spacerM I S S I O N  


Shoe insole product line

Flat Foot
Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)
Achilles Tendinitis
Forefoot Pain (Metatarsalgia)
Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis)


our shoe insole product line

Balance Walker
Balance Worker
Balance Relaxer


shoe insole outlets




Foot pain testimonies
Submit your testimony here

Foot support lift


Foot pain Walker insert
Balance Walker
Medium Lift

Foot pain Worker insert
Balance Worker
High Lift

Back pain Relaxer insert
Balance Relaxer
Low Lift

1) Aching Heels No More
2) Arch Support Took My Pain Away
3) Shoulder & neck tiredness gone
4) No More Pain in Foot Whatsoever
5) Knee and Back Pain
6) Low Back Pain
7) Suffering from Plantar Fasciitis
8) Suffered from a L5S1 cracked disc
9) Disc pro-lapse. Surgery done 1989 (Audio)
10) Knee Pain
11) Suffering from Lower back Pain
12) It is amazing
13) Now I can Squat down with less Pain
14) Rugby Play and Physical Trainer
15) Arch Supports Have Helped My Balance And Posture
16) Foot Supports eased My Knee Injury Pain
17) Knee Discomfort now Non-Existent
18) I'm Impressed with my Balance Support
19) No More Lower Back Pain
20) Balanced Walker Makes for a Balanced Walker
21) No More Pressure and Better Posture
22) Pain and Discomfort No More
23) More Confidence and Healthier Lifestyles
24) Stand Up Straight Up with Good Posture
25) Shifting The Lift
26) Batting Has Improved
27) Pounding the Pavement
28) Lower Back Pain - Stiffness Neck - Runner Knee



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1) Aching Heels no More!

"Hi There, Just like to say that since I started wearing the inner soles I no longer suffer from aching heels at the end of a long day on my feet. The arch support seems to have removed the pressure from this area.

Kind Regards



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2) Arch Supports Took My Pain Away

"The purpose of this email is to let you know how wonderful I found your Product (Balance Walker Arch Supports) I have had a pair of Dr.Martin boots for a couple of years, I could not wear them, because after a short time my feet hurt.

I put the (Balance Walker) foot supports into the boots and instantly felt they made a difference. Not only did they feel comfortable the arch supports took the pain away I had experienced in my Toes.

I am amazed at the difference the  inserts have made.  I can now wear my Dr. Martin Boots most of the day. I now have Arch supports in my shoes.  Words cannot describe the great benefits your inserts have made.

I recommend your products to friends and family and to anyone who has pain walking to experience the inserts many benefits  for themselves.

Kind regards"

Chris Rogers



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3) Shoulder / Neck pain & Tiredness Gone

My shoulder, lower back and neck used to get tired easily whilst window shopping. After using the Balance walker for a few days, the tiredness in my shoulder and neck are gone and now I can go on window shopping for hours without feeling back pain or tiredness.

Nicholas Ong
Self employed



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4) No more pain in foot whatsoever

I used to have pain in foot after a dance session the day/nite before. After using the Balance walker, there is no more pain in foot whatsoever and I can now walk much faster.

Alice Wright



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5) Knee and Back Pain

My knee is the key problem. Struggling with pains esp. walking down staircase. Backache if walking or standing too long. After usingthe Balance walker it improves a lot.  Feeling  comfortable  while walking down staircase. I could say 90% improving on my knee. Amazingly good no backache during my shopping sprees in Singapore after walking 4 hrs.

Jenny Kho



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6) Low Back Pain

I have been having low back pain since 20 years ago.  Gave up taking pain killers. Went for massages when the pain worsens. After using the Balance Walker, I could feel the pain reduced tremendously even after using the Balance Walker for about 1 hour. It has been of great help to my back.

Lai Chin Luke



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7) Suffering from Plantar Fasciitis

I have been suffering from plantar fasciitis for a number of years and had to go my orthopaedic doctor for 2 steroid injections, each injection lasted less than a year before the pain on my heels started again. This had affected me very much as each morning after waking up. I would feel pain when I put my feet down on the floor and try to stand up.

Thankfully I discovered this product and has been using it for about 2.5 years now without having to go back for any more injections. My shoulders also feel more relaxed and I don't need as much massages as I used to.




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8) Suffering from L5S1 Cracked Disc

I suffered from a L5S1 cracked disc and was having a hard time to walk and stand. Would be fortunate if I can do those for an hour without feeling pierced with sharp pain which normally shatters my confidence for the rest of the day.

I have been using Foot Support for the last 2.5 years now. It instantly helped me get back to my normal life and activities like my golf, hiking and badminton. Thank you for this amazing product.

I highly recommend it to those with pain on feet, ankle, knee, lower back, hip, shoulder and neck.

Self employed



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9) Disc pro-lapse - Surgery done 1989

Since then often had sore back and for the last 3 or 4 years stiff neck also developed. When putting my heels against wall, my head can't extend flat against the wall, leaving 3 to 4 inches gap, can't lie flat on bed ,and overtime had to use higher and higher pillow. 3 other brothers had the same neck problem in the family.

Didn't expect much from the Foot support initial and to my amazement after using it for a while within few hours, my head can extend flat against the wall and I also could lay flat on my bed with low or no pillow. Medically, I can't explained it but it is miracle.

Dr. Wong
Medical doctor

Play Audio



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10) Knee Pain

I hv been suffering from knee joint pain for years and it's getting worse lately. I hv done an x-ray & the result shows that the cartilage on inner parts of both knees have worn out. The doctor said this is due to posture problem. Solutions are either inject fluid or replace artificial knee cap. Inject fluid will only last for 6 mths to 2 yrs, so, it's not a permanent solution. Besides, the doctor says I'm too young to hv knee replacement. A friend introduced me to the Balance Walker. Like most people's reactions, I was very sceptical & did not believe that 2 pieces of plastic can work wonder. However, in desperation, I gave it a try. Thanks to the Balance Walker that help to balance my body & delay the deterioration. Now I can walk more steadily & can even wear an 2" high heal shoes. I wish I hv known abt this product years ago!

Kota Samarahan



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11) Suffering from lower back pain

This is the only insole that will work with Keen sandals. I have been suffering with lower back pain for 2 years. Since I started wearing the Balance Walker for the last 2.5 months, my lower back pain and the numbness in my toes has disappeared! Now I use the Balance Walker in every pair of shoe I own.

Craig Love



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12) It is amazing

At first I was never believe in this, but after i tried it, it was amazing.. I can run and walk without tiring myself too soon.. My mom also walk with ease and seldom complaint about her foot pain.. Great stuff!

Jackson Lim



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13) Now I can squat down with less pain

It works for me. After wearing it for about 2 weeks, my body joints feeling less stiff. Now I can squat down with less pain and I believed that soon my knees joint will free from pain and stiffness. By then I can do more exercise. Thanks for this incredible invention.

Lena Tan



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14) Rugby Play and Physical Trainer

"To Whom it may concern,

My name is Jordan Larsen. I am a rugby player who has played both senior representative rugby professionally overseas and senior premier level rugby in New Zealand, recently including playing rugby with the North Harbour Rugby Sevens Squad in 2010/11. I have also been a member of the North Sport Weightlifting Team based at the millennium Institute in Mairangi Bay Auckland training with New Zealand’s Olympic Weightlifting Team. I am also a CrossFit Coach/Athlete training out of the CrossFit Auckland Gym in North Harbour.

My daily training regiment requires me to be in the best possible physical condition and since Joe Polifoni introduced me to the Foot Supports ‘Balance Walker’ I now insist on having these orthotics in my work shoes throughout the day as they reduce daily fatigue from being on my feet.

I have also seen huge improvement in my injury condition with regard to my calve muscles and a condition called ‘compartment syndrome’. I am naturally flat-footed which has helped cause my compartment syndrome, coupled with the fact that as rugby players we use rugby boots today that do not have enough adequate arch support which compounds this problem. Since using the ‘Balance Worker’ in my rugby boots and running/lifting shoes for every workout/game, I will now never go for a run or do exercise involving weightlifting or running without the ‘Balance Worker’ foot support. These orthotics have had a huge positive effect on my physical condition."

Jordan Larsen - Athlete



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15) Arch Supports have helped my Balance and Posture

"Just a quick note to thank you for the (Balance Walker Arch Supports) and I thought it might be nice to also give you a bit of feedback as to my experience, to date. I have been wearing the original set for about 6 months now and am overly impressed (and a little surprised to be honest) at how much of a change they have made. I find that I am less tired at work (definitely allowing me to concentrate for longer periods) and I no longer have muscle pains in my shins. Friends and family have commented how my posture has improved and I certainly feel more upright, balanced and more in control.

I have started wearing the other pair you gave me in my trainers and have once again found that I am able to walk and exercise for longer. With extremely flat feet and currently in training for the upcoming Auckland Marathon, I am extremely grateful for whatever exercise I am able to do, free of pain!

Many thanks again and I would certainly endorse your product to those in similar circumstances to mine."

Stewart Wright
Fire & General Broker



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16) Foot Supports Eased My Knee Injury Pain

"I have an old knee injury and had surgery on one knee to help remove the pain.  My job involves a lot of walking and standing on my feet all day and I was actively aware of my knees, little twists, excessive standing would send tingles though my joints.  My posture was really bad and I walked like a “duck”.  I have seen physios and Podiatrists however after flexing and strength building exercises they couldn’t help other than suggesting more surgery as time goes by.

A few months ago I was given a pair of Foot Support Int’l inner soles to wear in my shoes.  Since then the pain factors are gone and the realigning of my knee joints things feel good.  I am now able to go to the gym and my staying power is a lot more tolerant and have the determination and ability for long distance running without the pain factor.  The pressure I felt from my inner knees is no longer there as the inner soles have helped to align my feet and correct my body posture.

As a result, I have a pair of Foot Support Int’l inner soles in each pair of shoes including my gumboots and have never taken them out.  If I didn’t have the inner soles I would have had another operation around this time on my knees.  Thanks to the inner soles I have correct posture and am without any pain.

A very simple inexpensive correction that has enabled me to increase my exercise levels enabling some strength building around my joints so giving long term protection without unnecessary surgery.


Ian Floyd



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17) Knee Discomfort Now

"I have been using the arch supports for 6 weeks now. I use the “balance worker” support when Im on my feet all day both at with clients at our gym and when Im on the boat as a charter fisherman. I find the discomfort I used to have in my knee from these long days on deck at sea is now non-existent.

In the gym when weight training I use the “balance walker” support and have found when squatting and lifting heavy deadlifts that my balance is better, I seem to spread the weight through my feet better and generally feel better balanced in most other exercises that involve being on my feet."

Damian Clayton
Coast Barbell and The Charter Connection



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18) I'm impressed with my Arch Supports

"Dear Mr Polifroni,

Just a quick note to thank you for the inserts and I thought it might be nice to also give you a bit of feedback as to my experience, to date. I have been wearing the original set for about 6 months now and am overly impressed (and a little surprised to be honest) at how much of a change they have made. I find that I am less tired at work (definitely allowing me to concentrate for longer periods) and I no longer have muscle pains in my shins. Friends and family have commented how my posture has improved and I certainly feel more upright, balanced and more in control.

I have started wearing the other pair you gave me in my trainers  and have once again found that I am able to walk and exercise for longer. With extremely flat feet and currently in training for the upcoming Auckland Marathon, I am extremely grateful for whatever exercise I am able to do, free of pain!

Many thanx again and I would certainly endorse your product to those in similar circumstances to mine.

Kind Regards"

Stewart Wright

Fire & General broker



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19) No More Lower Back Pain!

"Balance Worker Arch Supports have really improved my posture and lower back pain.

I spend half of my day running around cement floors at work, and in my good work shoes – I would come home stiff and sore.

After one day with the inserts in my shoes, the difference was clear.  I no longer felt the pain I was accustomed to, and even my physio could tell a difference in my lower back muscles.

I appreciate Balance Worker Arch Supports not only for the decreased pain but also the feeling that I am keeping my body in ultimate condition."

Blake Douglas
Account / Production Manager



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20) Balance Walker Makes a Balanced Walker

"Tom is wearing his supports and is more balanced when he walks thanks to you!!! He has worn them every day since you gave them to him. If I didn’t see it myself I would not have believed the Balance Walker Arch Supports would make a difference to a stroke patient in helping his balance.

Thank you,"

Bonnie and More Balanced Tom



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21) No Pressure and Better Posture

"Hi There, Just like to say that since I started wearing the inner soles I no longer suffer from aching heels at the end of a long day on my feet. The arch support seems to have removed the pressure from this area."

David Keith

David Keith & Associates



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22) Pain and Discomfort No More!

"I have recently purchased a business,  whereby I am on my feet all day. This caused me great pain in my back,  until one day I got talking to a customer which happened to be Joe and Rosalinda Polifroni from Foot Supports Int’l about feet.

Rosalinda did a balance test on me there and then,  which proved that my feet were not getting the support needed in the arch of my foot. Rosalinda kindly gave me these supports to see if it help my back.

Unbelievably within two hours the chronic pain I was feeling had lessened to a degree where I now will not wear any shoe unless these inserts are in them,  even in my slippers at night.

I thank the day I meet Rosalinda and Joe,  for giving me back a life with no pain."

Judy Van Capelleveen
North Shore City



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23) More Confidence and Healthier Lifestyle

 Hi, my husband and I recently purchased a pair of your Balance walker and impact absorbers each in one of your all inclusive specials. We are over the moon with the results. My husband can run for longer periods with out pain. I can bike long distances without my back getting sore as it used to. Our feet feel like they are on holiday. We sit straighter, walk straighter and feel great.

In the past I have had to have chiropractic care and even with ACC it still cost me about $600 all up. They were marvelous and got me back to work and realigned. With the Balance Walker I have much more confidence that I will not have that sort of problem in future. We are so excited about your product that we are showing everyone who will listen.

We do the balance test first then encourage them to try our Balance walkers in their shoes. They are so excited when they experience this product for themselves. So far we have recommended them to a karate instructor a Massey university professor a minister in church and many of our friends and acquaintances. Whenever we get the opportunity we will continue to do so. Thank you so much for an excellent product, you are helping so many people.

Garry and Morag Lorigan



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24) Stand Straight Up with Good Posture

"Dear Foot Supports International,

I feel compelled to write to you about my experience with your arch supports.  I consider myself a fit and healthy 40 year old but I’ve always wanted to improve my posture.  My shoulders naturally tend to roll forward which leads me to slouch somewhat.  A couple of months ago I started wearing your arch supports.  The improvement in my posture was immediate.  I no longer need to keep reminding myself to pull my shoulders back.  Now I automatically stand straight up with good posture.  In general I feel much better balanced which I’ve also noticed is helping my golf swing.  I’m sure my new and improved posture will help me to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.  Thank you so much!

Best regards"

Simon Hornby



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25) Shifting The Lift

"Many years ago, I injured my knees playing sports and had recurring pain.  As a university lecturer, I am constantly on my feet and my knees would hurt every night.  About three years ago, I tried the Balance Walker and my pain went away.  However, some pain started to return about 6 months later.  I changed from the Balance Worker (high lift) to the Balance Walker (medium lift) and the pain went away again.  Now I change the lift every few weeks and the pain has not come back.  I am going to put a pair in all of my shoes so that I never have to think about it again!!"
James, Auckland



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26) Batting Has Improved

"As a sportsman you are constantly looking for ways to gain an edge over your competitors. Any possible way to improve your game is essential in sport. When I was first introduced to the Balance Product line, I was a bit sceptical about how a product that looks so simple can improve performance so drastically.

However, once I started playing cricket in the ‘Balance Walkers’ I noticed my balance when batting had improved and standing in the field all day was no longer resulting in tired, sore feet. Using the ‘Balance Workers’ in my rugby boots has reduced my lower limb problems, such as shin splints, and has increased my balance-ability making moving around the field quickly, much easier. I am glad I found these products at 23 years old.

I would recommend using Foot Supports Products for any sportsman.


Travis Kerr



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27) Pounding The Pavement

"I’ve been lucky enough to have been fitted up with a pair of “Balanced Workers” supplied by Foot Supports International Limited.

After a length spell away from running, I recently decided it was time to get back to “pounding the pavement” and try to loss some weight for summer. In the past running has not been my favourite past time, a constant sore lower back, tight uncomfortable hamstrings and aching knees are a result from running.

However, thanks to the “Balanced Workers” I have now completed over ten 6.5 km runs with little to no pain or discomfort the following morning. I would highly recommend the product.


Euan Stratton
North Shore, Auckland



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28) Lower Back Pain - Stiffness Neck - Runner Knee

I have lower back pain, stiffness neck and runner knee due to sitting for long hours. I presumed it was caused by bad posture of sitting and standing.

After wearing balance support for the first week, my back pain has gone, my knees were improving gradually and my shoulder and neck started to feel more relax and gentle. I have been continuine wearing it for alomst 2 years and I have no problem of performing my daily activities even my job that requires me to sit for long hours.

Willie Lee
Age 38










Are You Suffering from:

• Foot Pain?
• Back Pain?
• Poor Posture?
• Shoulder Pain?
• Neck Pain?
• Knee Pain?
• Sore Legs?
• Aching Hips?
• Weak Ankles?
• Flat Feet?

Foot Arch Support TV show
Balance Foot Supports Explained

Justin Price video
BioMechanics on Foot Support
Pursuing Good Health

East Malaysia

Health Pursuit Sdn. Bhd.

B1-2-3, Block B, Level 2,
Lobby 1, Canaan Square,
Jalan Stutong Baru, 93350
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Tel: +082 454 655
West Malaysia

PhilosMed Marketing Sdn. Bhd
Unit 6.02, Level 6, Block A,
Phileo Damansara 2, No 9, Jalan 16/11,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia. Tel:603 7661 1331
Office Hours:

Weekdays - Monday to Friday
Morning - 9.30am - 12.30pm
Afternoon - 2.00pm - 5.00pm
Saturdays: CLosed
Other times please call:   +6012 808 1722
email Health Pursuit
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Foot Pain is a common complaint, and it can have many causes. Bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia, toenail beds, nerves, blood vessels, or skin can be the source of foot pain. Among them Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia, a band of tough tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes, becomes irritated or inflamed.
The most common cause of foot pain is wearing ill fitting shoes. Women often wear tight shoes that are narrow and constrictive, and thus are most prone to foot problems. Tight shoes often cause overcrowding of toes and result in a variety of structural defects. The next most common cause of feet disease is overuse or traumatic injuries.

Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints. Unlike many other forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus, osteoarthritis does not affect other organs of the body. This condition is a frequent cause of knee pain in athletes and non-athletes alike who are over 50. Osteoarthritis (OA) is caused by aging joints, injury, and obesity. Symptoms include joint pain and stiffness.

Foot Pain | Back Pain | Neck Pain | Knee Pain | Lower Back Pain | Orthoses

Copyright © 2015 HEALTH PURSUIT SDN BHD All rights reserved.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or injury. As always, please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise, diet, supplementation, medication program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. All contents in this site serve as information only and is not in any way meant to substitute for any advice by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagosing, prescribing any medication, curing, or treating a health problem or any disease.